About Tiritonga - Karolina Skorek

Hello and welcome to my creative world! 

I am Karolina Skorek, a passionate multidisciplinary artist and educator based in the UK, with a rich background spanning Europe and China. My artistic journey is deeply rooted in the fusion of traditional art forms with cutting-edge digital technologies, reflecting a profound dedication to both historical artistry and contemporary innovation.

My art is a dialogue between classic technique and modern technology, crafting experiences that go beyond viewing to immerse and engage.

My professional and academic journeys have taken me through exploring the mystical themes of Slavic mythology in my thesis to investigating the role of experiential education in enhancing creativity. These explorations have not only shaped my artistic perspective but also my teaching ethos, which is deeply embedded in every class and workshop I lead.

Karolina Skorek Multidisciplinary Artist

My professional and academic life have taken me through exploring the mystical themes of Slavic mythology in my thesis to investigating the role of experiential education in enhancing creativity. These explorations have not only shaped my artistic perspective but also my teaching ethos, which is deeply embedded in every class and workshop I lead. 

hold a Master’s degree in Art from Glyndwr University, where I delved into the ethereal realms of Slavic mythology through my thesis on “Dreams in Slavic Cultures”. My academic pursuits also led me to explore the intersection of art and education, examining the potential of outdoor learning and experiential education to foster creativity and resilience among students.

I specialize in digital and concept art, particularly for interactive media like video games, where I create immersive environments and characters that resonate with the epic narratives found in comic books. My work has been recognized internationally, receiving accolades such as the Julia Margaret Cameron Award and top placements in The Portrait Masters Awards.

My exhibitions span the globe, from solo showcases like Dreamscapes in the UK to participating in group exhibitions like the SeeMe “Art Saves Humanity.” As an educator, I’m dedicated to inspiring artists at all levels, combining traditional arts with digital techniques to help students discover and express their artistic voices.

At Tiritonga.com, you’ll find a collection of my works where every project is a piece of my journey, inviting you to experience the transformative power of art that connects and transcends.

Explore my collection of prints if you enjoy my art

contact me : info[at]karolinaskorek.com